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🠈  About Kane Color  🠊

About Kane Color

Utah Color is a private self funded effort to raise community awarness and promote local web development in the Beehive State.

I began the project with sites for select towns in Utah including Cedar City, Saint George and Moab.

A web domain costs $10 a year. It is extremely difficult to make ten dollars a year developing sites for smaller towns like Kanab; So, I decided to buy the domain UtahColor.com. I created a subdomain for each county in the state.


This site is self-funded. I had been using affiliate marketing to pay the bills. I put a little affiliate ad at the top of most pages. This funding technique does not work well with this type of site; So, I decided to give locals a chance to bid for the ad space. I charge a $25 listing fee. I will run the ads at least 100,000 times before asking for more money.

This is a super low rate that barely covers the hosting fees for the site.

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